Should I Start Preparing for the PMPⓇ Exam Now?

Should I Start Preparing for the PMPⓇ Exam Now?

Time is running! Start NOW!

“Vaijayantee, I’m thinking that I’ll start preparation for the PMP Examination a little later,. I mean after the situation is normal. It will be better that way. What do you think?” Many people ask this question, especially these days.. The COVID-19 has changed the way we live. It looks like it will continue to do so.  But, does it really have any impact on taking the decision to prepare for the most coveted project management certification? Does the decision to postpone PMP Exam Prep justify under these circumstances?

Why Postpone?

If you do not start now, are you planning to start after the social-distancing norms have changed? After the lockdown is over? Please re-think. Is the lockdown really going to get over any time soon? Yes, the work may go on. To some extent, you may be allowed to travel, but social gatherings will not be allowed. The social-distancing is here to stay. What can you perhaps achieve by not starting now?

I always ask my students, what is the real reason?  Are you worried that you will not be able to take the 35 contact hour training? You know, live virtual training workshops for PMP Certification Exam Prep are available. Thanks to technology, they have beautiful tools. You can see the trainer, interact with him, interact with your fellow participants, it is just like the real classroom minus the commute! You can take it from the comfort of your home.

Is It The Fear Of Failure?

I do not believe that this anyway is the real reason. When I talk to them for a little more time, I realize that it is just procrastination. Just postponing for any excuse that one can think of. I ask them to dig deeper and find out the real reason. The real reason almost invariably is the fear. Many of these people have done brilliantly in the scholastic examination, but they are scared silly when they think of this examination because they have seen some of their friends or colleagues fail. Having seen them failing, they conclude internally that there is no way they can pass this difficult exam. Fear of failure or atychiphobia stops us from doing something that we really want to achieve. It is one of the well known causes for procrastination.

Do you need to memorize?

There is one more myth that scares the PMP Certification aspirants. Somehow, many of them feel that  they have to memorize a lot of content. The processes and ITTOs as the Inputs/Tools And Techniques/Outputs are popularly called need to be known by heart. “You need to read a lot of books and this all takes minimum 6months to one year, isn’t it?”, they ask me. I really am perplexed at all this. The dangerous myths come from internet and are mostly popularized by those who either have not taken the PMP Exam or have not passed it. In any case, they do not know what the exam is about

So, there is still one more reason to procrastinate. It takes a hell lot of time and I’m so busy! Believe me. IT DOES NOT! Being busy is a good excuse that we want to give to ourselves. Once upon a time I was in the same trap! I always thought”Right now, I’m busy but the future looks good. I’ll get time after 2 months… But yes, you know what it is. Tomorrow never comes! Isn’t it?

Take the PMP Examination in 6 weeks

I always ask these people, “You manage projects. You solve many issues and problems on the project. You close the projects with all the deliverables. Is it extremely undoable? Do you need to prepare for years and years to manage one project? Do you need to memorize the standards and best practices to manage it well?” Answer to all of these questions is an emphatic NO! You do it with experience and understanding of the best practices and the standards currently prevalent. That’s what helps in the PMP exam! Understand the case and solve the problem using your understanding of the best practices and standards. If you do not memorize anything for your practical project, you do not need to memorize anything for the exam too. If you use your experience and understanding to solve project issues, that is what you are supposed to do in the exam also.

If you stick to 2 hours a day, you can really make it in about 6 weeks. Try it. I’m with you. Ask me any doubts or questions you have.

1 Comment
  • Kamal Bhatia
    Posted at 06:00h, 11 May Reply

    Thanks for the , practical and doable suggestions in the blog.
    It really helps. It motivates and keps us on the PMP track to succeed.

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